
We have produced a number of information sheets that we hope are helpful to you, alongside relevant links to other websites that can provide you with further information.

Resource Hub

Select the subject that interests you to access the information sheets and external resources:

Recommended Books and Websites

Recommended Books

Recommended Websites

Tony Attwood – One of the world’s leading experts in Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.

The National Autistic Society – A great resource on Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.

Autistica – Undertakes large scale research projects on health, accessibility and employment.

Royal College of Psychiatrists – Contains a wealth of additional information about Asperger’s Syndrome.

The Cambian Group – One of the largest providers of specialist education and behavioural health services in the UK.

ALAG / Asperger London Area Group – A community organisation working with local authorities and the voluntary sector to support high-functioning but vulnerable persons on the autism spectrum across London.

Walsingham Support – A charity supporting those with learning difficulties and autism for over 35 years.

Action for ASD – Support and advice on Autistic Spectrum Disorders including Asperger’s Syndrome.

Disability – The government’s website for people with disabilities. You can view the Disability Discrimination Act on it.

Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy
Legal Aid

The following individuals are legal aid solicitors with expertise in SEN (Special Educational Needs) and Disability cases:

• Bindmans – On Twitter @BindmansLLP
• Clarke Willmott – On Twitter @CWCoP
• Coram Children’s Legal Centre (issues relating to children and young people re SEN and care leavers ) – On Twitter @CCLCUK
• Deighton Pierce Glynn – On Twitter @dpg_law
• Disability Law Service – Not on Twitter.
• Irwin Mitchell – On Twitter @IMPublicLaw
• Just for Kids Law (London – issues relating to children and care leavers only) – On Twitter @Justforkidslaw
• Leigh Day – On Twitter @LeighDay_Law
• Mackintosh Law (issues relating to mental capacity and community care) – On Twitter @macklawlondon.
• SCOMO – On Twitter @ScottMoncrieff
• Simpson Millar – on Twitter @Simpson_millar



Your Feedback

We would welcome your feedback on the helpfulness of these information sheets or external websites, or if you have any other recommendations.

To give your feedback, please email:
[email protected]